Saturday, April 9, 2011

Tonight Ryan was sitting on the bed so big and strong with very little support. I tried to grab the camera and just as I was ready to snap the camera, he pushed back and laid down. Oh, really? I missed it.

So, I tried to sit him up again and he squawked at me. I finally convinced him to sit up for just one pick picture. "Please, Ryan, let Mommy take just one picture." So, he complied. So big and strong...
As soon as I took the picture I said, "Oh, I got it." And, since Ryan obviously felt he had fulfilled his obligation, he immediately pushed back and laid down.

Thank you, Ryan. I know it's a lot of work. I'm so proud of you for being so strong!

1 comment:

chickadee3357 said...

I can't believe how big he is!