Today's Sunday School lesson was on Miracles. We are really blessed to have a great Sunday School teacher. I always look forward with great anticipation to his lessons, especially when I have read the lesson. Today was one of those days.
The topic is one that is especially dear to me. I have been blessed with miracles in my life and I have witnessed miracles in the lives of others. The lesson for this week covered
Mark 1-2,
Luke 7:11-17.
These verses are some of the best in all of the New Testament. So many miracles. My favorite was actually when he cast the Legions of unclean spirits form the untameable man in Mark 5. I love that story. I wonder how free that man must have felt when he came to his "right mind." And, in my mind, it just seems like such a loving thing for Jesus to do.
Which miracle is your favorite?
Have you seen miracles in your life?
Maybe I should define Miracle.
Miracle. An extraordinary event caused by divine or spiritual power.
This morning I had to drop off one of my son's at church early and so I had a few minutes alone ... a rare event on a Sunday morning for a Mom of 6 kids. As I was driving, I was thinking about the feelings I felt as I thought of the day I found out that the cancer was in remission. I know that modern medicine put me in remission, but to me I think modern medicine is a miracle.
There were so many little miracles around the cancer. In my alone moments this morning I thought about the way I felt the moments and days after the call that told me I was in remission. I also thought about the moments when I felt as though I was being carried by angels.
I hadn't thought about those times for a little while and I felt overwhelmed with gratitude again. Gratitude for the divine intervention in my life. Gratitude for the friends and family who helped along with way.
I also felt a lot of gratitude for parents and grandparents who taught me good things. Gratitude for the lasting impression of a father reading his scriptures early in the morning. Gratitude for the memory of my mother at a dining room table reading her scriptures. Gratitude for a sister who memorized scripture masteries. Gratitude for a husband who has knowledge than me.
And, today I feel an extra special gratitude for my friend and Sunday School teacher, who because he is always prepared to teach, motivates me to be prepared to come ready to learn. I always leave his class feeling strengthened in both knowledge and testimony. I love Bro Burton and his sweet wife, Helen, and am thankful for the opportunity I had to ponder this week about miracles.