Tuesday, November 11, 2014

As if "Walking" Wasn't Cool Enough...

Today Ryan went roller skating! Hard to imagine, right? Well, leave it up to the amazing folks at TeamAbility! We were there and they suggested putting his AFO's and shoes on to do the "walking." I voiced my concern that with the button, he might move too fast. I was concerned that he'd drag his feet and legs which could be very bad, especially post surgery. So, Melinda one of his team members said, "How do you feel about roller skates?" Well, I had never even imagined Ryan and roller skates in the same thought. But, of course, they'd have a solution! So, check it out... This is what a glimpse into what it takes to get Ryan ready...

Getting him into the harness...

Going up...

And, steady on his feet...

But, the biggest challenge is almost always keeping his head up...

It's a lot of work, but he loves it and he's always so proud of himself. Of course, we are too! It's just amazing to see the things he can do. If anyone ever tries to tell you that a child in a wheelchair can't do things ... well, don't believe them. They're in there and just cause they can't talk like we do, or can't walk like we do, well, their potential is unlimited. Just like your's and mine. Thanks, TeamAbility! And, thanks to all of you for all your prayers, love and support! And, thanks for always sharing our joy!