Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Clay in His Hands

Jenny Jordan Frogley wrote a beautiful song, "Clay in His Hands", which was inspired by an article in the New Era magazine in December of 1999. The article was titled, "In the Potter's Hands" and was written by Larry A. Hiller.  I was listening to this beautiful song performed by Jessie Clark.

I won't quote you all the words, but the chorus says:

We are clay in His hands
Centered on the wheel
As the wheel spins the potter molds
Creating something beautiful.

Can you picture it?  A master artist sitting at His wheel spinning a beautiful work of art?  I remember once watching someone create a beautiful vase.  They started with a brick of clay.  After wetting it some, they formed a ball and sat it on the center of their wheel.  In what seemed like no time, and with seemingly no effort, with just the use of their hands, they shaped a beautiful curvaceous vase.

It's really a beautiful analogy isn't it?

Well, on this particular day, in my mind, I felt that as I watched the Master spinning my particular vase the walls had become so weak that the vase was crumbling.  In my mind's eye I could really see the vase folding in on itself and finally the Master just putting the clay back into the shape of a ball and saying, "Let's start over."

Do you think that's how it works?  At first I thought, what an awful image to have during such a beautiful song.  A song that is meant to inspire and I was having an image like that?  But, isn't that what the Atonement really is ... the starting over? 

I was feeling weak from months of struggling, a tough doctor's appointment with Ryan, feelings of being overwhelmed with every day tasks, and the dread of the upcoming tests at MD Anderson. 

I think too often we think of the Atonement as something we use when we do something wrong.  But, it's also something to be used on a daily basis to strengthen us, to succor us, to help us to be better than we could be on our own.  After all, He experienced all things so that He would know how to succor us in our time of need.  Why not let Him help us?

This morning I was thrilled to find this beautiful video on YouTube to share with you so that you can enjoy the beauty of the words of the song and the creator of the video did a beautiful job on the images as well.  I hope you'll take a few minutes to watch the video and enjoy it's message.

1 comment:

chickadee3357 said...

Picture of the video totally makes me think of the movie Ghost. :)