If you have read my blog before you probably already know that I believe in the power of prayer. I know many of you also believe in the power of prayer. Well, this past Monday I was (once again) taught a lesson on prayer.
For the past few weeks, I have struggled to figure out how I would solve what seemed to me to be a very difficult problem. I needed to figure out a ride for Jessica and David to an activity and 45 minutes later Deborah and Johnathon need to be some place else, and I still need to manage Ryan's needs as well. From the very first time I prayed about it Carol's name came to mind. Well, that didn't make any sense. Carol doesn't have any children.
I kept praying about it and thinking through the problem. Every time I prayed about it, Carol came to mind. Every time I thought about it, Carol came to mind. That was confusing. Why would I be thinking of Carol? She's a great lady, but all of her kids are grown ups.
By the weekend before I had to resolve the issue, I had even considered crazy options like having all 5 get completely ready to go and taking them all with me when I drop off David and Jessica. And, even crazier options.
Well, Monday finally rolled around and I had to have this resolved by Tuesday morning. I was sure I wasn't getting any answers to my prayers. Nothing. But, I prayed yet again. Sometimes we just have to pray more diligently, right? And, again with the Carol answer.
So, I waited a few hours and summoned up all my courage and called Carol. I explained how I really didn't understand why she was the answer but perhaps she'd have some good advice since she had raised several kids. I briefly explained our situation and then she said, "Well, I can just take your kids."
She made it sound so easy! Let me tell you: I sobbed. I sobbed because the whole time I was fretting and stressing about this problem, Heavenly Father had been lovingly giving me the answer over and over again. But, I hadn't been listening. I had been unable to identify His voice. I had been so busy trying to solve my own problem that I had listened to Him and He had already solved my problem for me.
It's made me wonder how many times I do that in my life? Are there other times when I busy myself solving my own problems when I could just turn them over to Him?
I'm so grateful to Him for being persistent and patient. I'm so grateful for Carol's help! What a huge blessing! I hope you all have people like Carol in your life.
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