Saturday, October 25, 2008

I Know!

Tonight I attended a Time Out For Women held here in San Antonio. While Michael McLean was performing/speaking he asked us to listen and think of ourselves as asking the questions. He wanted us to listen for the responses. The first question he said was "Do you love me?" We were to imagine ourselves asking our Heavenly Father that question. And, we were to listen for the response.

As soon as the question was asked I thought, "I know He loves me!" I know it because it is evidenced all around me by all the amazing people in my life. During all of this year's events, I have had so much support. Any time I have started to feel overwhelmed or discouraged, yet another sister has shown up or called to put their arms around me with love and support. We have been the recipient of so many kind acts this year. Thus, I know He loves me! I know He hears and answers my prayers, even the ones that have only been whispered by my heart.

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