Saturday, December 20, 2008

Jacob and Daddy went camping last night with the other 11 year old Scouts. I hear they had a great time. They made some yummy beef stew and hung out around the fire. The boys told "scary" ghost stories, and then one of the Dads, our friend Jeff, told a real ghost story. Dwight said the boys started moving into a little huddle together and were obviously getting a little uptight. So after that story, in hopes of getting some sleep, Dwight got all the boys talking about Batman. One of the boys reported in the morning, that to his surprise he didn't think about the scary stuff cause he was too busy thinking about Batman. It sounds like Dwight's genius plan worked.

This morning they had breakfast, and helped to clear some trees from the property where they stayed. They built the above contraption, sat on it, took pictures, and then took it down again. It seems a good time was had by all. Jacob is looking forward to his next camping adventure.

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