Wednesday, December 17, 2008

She still fits in a back pack!


chickadee3357 said...

She is just a wee one still. It looks like she has more hair than Rebecca.

Kristi said...

Ahh, this picture is so cute! Yeah, I am in Indianapolis, we are staying in Greenwood but I went up to Fishers this weekend to hang out with some friends of friends :) I really like it here, its a cool city (the training not so much but necessary evil). :) If I were ever to get promoted (which I'm not sure if I want or not, I would love to just be part time in a few years) I would definitely have to come to Indy for a few years. St Elmo's was ridiculously good. I love steak. ;) ANyway, good to hear from you. We will be in San Antonio for Christmas so I hope I get to see you, we'll come to Sonterra Ward I think next Sunday (in between Christmas and New Years). Yay!